“You Can Tell Just By Looking” and 20 Other Myths About LGBT Life and People
A conversation with authors Michael Amico, Ann Pellegrini, and Michael Bronski
Friday, November 15
5:00-7:00 pm
HGS 211, 320 York St.
“You Can Tell Just By Looking” and 20 Other Myths About LGBT Life and People takes aim at some of the most persistent and pernicious myths about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, culture, and life in the United States. Some of these myths – such as the notion that “all religions condemn homosexuality” or that “transgender people are mentally ill” – have been used to justify discrimination and even violence against LGBT people. But others – such as the claim that “homosexuals are born that way” or that “hate crime laws prevent violence against LGBT people” – are embraced and circulated by many LGBT communities and their allies. At this book salon, Michael Bronski (Harvard), Ann Pellegrini (NYU), and Michael Amico (Yale), the authors of this just-published book, discuss the ongoing force of these myths and the contemporary challenges of developing a more nuanced — and messy – understanding of sexual identities and sexual politics, in the plural.
Sponsored by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies, the LGBTQ Affinity Group, and the Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunity