photo by Riva Lehrer
Yale LGBT Studies is very pleased to announce Dr. Anne Balay as the recipient of the second annual LGBT Studies Research Fellowship. The Fellowship is offered annually, and is designed to provide access to Yale’s diverse resources in LGBT Studies for scholars who live outside the greater New Haven area. The winner of this year’s award, Anne Balay, has taught English and gender studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Indiana University Northwest. Her first research monograph, Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Steelworkers, has been widely acclaimed for its attention to issues of sexuality, gender, race, and class in the American heartland and has won awards from Lambda Literary and the National Women’s Studies Association. The daughter of a Yale librarian, Dr. Balay grew up in New Haven but ultimately received her PhD from the University of Chicago. While back in New Haven for the LGBT Studies Research Fellowship, Dr. Balay will be engaged in her new project on LGBT truckers and the long-haul industry.