FLAGS Awards

Deadlines for 2024/25:
Fall 2024 – Wednesday, October 9, 2024 by 11:59pm
Spring 2024 - Wednesday, February 5, 2025 by 11:59pm

Please note: As of Spring 2023, we are no longer accepting rolling applications for this award.

FLAGS (Fund for Lesbian and Gay Studies) awards are available to Yale faculty, graduate students, professional school students, and post-docs. Grants are made in support of research, publication, and course development. Funding may support such items as travel* to archives; transcription of interviews; acquisition of inaccessible books, microfilms, or other materials (with the understanding that such materials will ultimately be offered to Sterling or another library within the university); assistance in research and manuscript preparation; publication subvention; and approved experiments in basic science, medicine, nursing, psychology, and public health. FLAGS does not fund conference participation or presentation.

(*Important: Details and additional resources related to current travel policies and restrictions can be found here.)

Individual awards range from $500 to $5,000. Original receipts are necessary for reimbursement; no meals are covered. FLAGS funds cannot provide reimbursement for expenses already incurred. Award monies are available for one year after the grant has been awarded. After one year, a request for an extension for the grant must be filed. Applicants who seek additional funding for a previously supported project must state how the money already received has been used in order to justify the continuation of support. Please also note that applicants may receive one FLAGS award per academic year. Applicants are responsible for knowing all University policies and procedures related to the conduct of research as they apply to their proposed project.

To apply, please complete the online FLAGS Application.

The following will be required:

  1. A description of the work for which funding is needed (at least one, but not more than four double-spaced pages). This description should offer a specific explanation of the overall project to which the research will contribute and a sense of the scholarly works on which it relies. Successful proposals usually include: an introduction to the subject you are researching; a description of the relevant literature; a sense of the argument you hope to make; and a specific explanation of the relationship between the support you are requesting and your ability to make this argument.
  2. An itemized budget and description of the need for support (including the description of any other financial support solicited for this project); airfare should be included as a PDF (include travel site estimates); hotel costs should be included as a PDF (include travel site estimates).
  3. The name of one person (normally a Yale faculty member) who will write a letter of recommendation. Reference writers should send their letters directly to lgbts@yale.edu and should comment on the applicant’s project and ability to carry it out successfully.  NOTE: Applications from current Yale faculty members do not require a letter of recommendation.
  4. A home address, e-mail address, and phone number

Any questions? Email lgbts@yale.edu. Announcement of the awards will be made three to four weeks after the application deadline.